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Tie Breaker: IFMAR
Completed: 3 of 3 |
Pos | Qualified | Driver | Points | A1 | A2 | A3 |
Pos | Qualified | Driver | Points | A1 | A2 | A3 |
1 | 2 | BEN HOWARD | 3 | 2nd (2pts) : 11/5:18.197 | 1st (1pts) : 11/5:11.998 | 2nd (2pts) : 11/5:22.489 |
2 | 3 | SCOTT MATTHEWS | 4 | 1st (1pts) : 11/5:12.844 | 3rd (3pts) : 11/5:21.729 | 3rd (3pts) : 11/5:22.645 |
3 | 5 | ROB JONES | 4 | 3rd (3pts) : 11/5:21.405 | 5th (5pts) : 10/5:07.989 | 1st (1pts) : 11/5:18.272 |
4 | 1 | GARY CARVAJAL | 6 | 4th (4pts) : 11/5:27.015 | 2nd (2pts) : 11/5:20.989 | 7th (7pts) : 10/5:06.647 |
5 | 8 | NATHAN FACCIOL | 9 | 9th (9pts) : 7/3:37.086 | 4th (4pts) : 10/5:07.077 | 5th (5pts) : 10/5:03.331 |
6 | 7 | RUSSELL MANG | 11 | 7th (7pts) : 10/5:20.146 | 9th (9pts) : 10/5:27.840 | 4th (4pts) : 11/5:29.725 |
7 | 6 | LUKE ADAMS | 11 | 5th (5pts) : 10/5:08.133 | 6th (6pts) : 10/5:14.572 | 10th (10pts) : 6/3:16.673 |
8 | 4 | ROGER FONG | 14 | 10th (10pts) : 1/35.055 | 8th (8pts) : 10/5:19.808 | 6th (6pts) : 10/5:04.173 |
9 | 9 | THE DOCTOR | 15 | 6th (6pts) : 10/5:17.127 | 10th (10pts) : 7/3:48.487 | 9th (9pts) : 8/4:06.466 |
10 | 10 | CAMDEN CAMILLERI | 15 | 8th (8pts) : 10/5:20.744 | 7th (7pts) : 10/5:19.378 | 8th (8pts) : 10/5:15.721 |